Personal Finance FAQs
401(k) and IRA
401(k)s and individual retirement accounts (IRAs) bring with them a number of different implications. Each one has different circumstances which it is better suited to… [read more]
Tax Advice
Unfortunately, and as the famous quote goes, only two things in life are certain: death and taxes. However, there are ways in which you can make sure you are not paying too much while also checking that you have complied with regulations… [read more]
Savings and Investments
There is a fundamental difference between savings and investments, and that is on the one hand, savings are very low risk, slow return whereas investments can be higher risk but higher return… [read more]
Retirement Planning
Retirement planning is not only about managing your money but it is also a matter of considering your future lifestyle, activities and health care… [read more]
How to Get Advice on a Mortgage
There are so many different options available for people seeking mortgages these days that it can be very useful to get advice from an independent source. An independent financial adviser (IFA) will be able to look at your choices from an outside viewpoint… [read more]